REACH is the annual opportunity for the people of Riverview Church to make a financial contribution to our mission partners.

Since 2020, we have given more than one million dollars to REACH. This represents meaningful change. Our giving represents God’s goodness brought near to people. Through our giving, we support some of the most vulnerable in the world with practical help and hope.

  • For Reach 2023, our Launch Kids are undertaking a $30 in 30 days challenge to raise money for our Mission Partners. Using a special Reach DIY Moneybox, we are encouraging each child to consider how they can earn/raise $1 per day for 30 days.

    Some cool ideas:
    - Collect containers for change.
    - Wash your parents' car.
    - Mow the lawn.
    - Walk the neighbour's dog.
    - Sell homemade baked goods.

    Moneybox is to be returned at Launch on June 25th.

    [ Download & Print REACH Moneybox ]

international PARTNERS


Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.
— Proverbs 19:17